Despite all the media attention expressing the importance of increasing calcium to prevent osteoporosis and improve bone health, studies indicate women are not regulating their diets to balance bone building foods with sufficient vitamins and minerals. The women interviewed explain they simply forget to take their calcium supplements or they avoid the foods that are high in calcium due to the high calories. To get the recommended 1,500mg per day calcium intake many researchers suggest, 800 to 1,000 mg of supplements calcium added to the 500 to 700 mg available in the diet. Try these:
Fix it with Food:
Eat a nutritious diet that includes calcium and vitamin D. Avoid foods with excess refined sugars and starches as they elevate insulin levels and increase risk of osteoporosis. The recommended type of diet is one that focuses on the Low Glycemic Index and is based of foods that include lean proteins, beans, vegetables and monounsaturated fatty acids (nuts, fish, avocados and olives).
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Avoid the Caffeine:
Each cup of Java you drink makes you lose 150 mg of calcium in your urine. Chemically decaffeinated is no remedy either as the chemicals interfere with detoxification process. If you must drink decaffeinated coffee increase you calcium supplementation by 150 mg. Better yet, replace the caffeinated drinks with naturally decaffeinated drinks such as green tea.
Fix it with Soy:
Make tofu, soy milk, soy protein and other sources of beneficial isoflavones a regular part of your diet. Ipriflavone is flavonoid derived from the soy isoflavone called daidzein. It promotes the incorporation of calcium into bone and inhibits bone breakdown.
Salt-Don’t Shake It
Approximately 75% of sodium in Americans diets comes from processed foods. A good way to remember the right amt. of sodium in the diet is a 1 to 1 ratio. So if the food you are eating has 200 calories the amt of sodium should not exceed 200 mg. Maintain sodium intake of 1500 mg per day.
Avoid Carbonation:
Carbonated drinks such as soda, Champagne and sparkling water leach calcium from your bones.
Vitamin D helps absorb calcium and place it in your bones. The process occurs in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. Using sunscreen blocks about 90% of Vitamin D exposure so it is important to supplement vitamin D to assure the recommended 400 to 800 IU per day.
Nix the Tums:
Tums are considered a crummy source of calcium as it is composed of calcium carbonate, an inferiorly absorbed form of calcium. Calcium citrate and calcium hydroxyapatite are considered supreme. They must be taken on an empty stomach and at 500mg doses at a time. Total doses per day should be equivalent to 1000 to 1200 mg for post menopausal women.
Identify Your Hormone Levels:
Hormonal decline is one of the most common reasons for bone loss. Adequate levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA are key hormones for healthy bones. Another area of concern is the excess levels of cortisol, insulin and parathyroid hormone. An elevated level of calcium in serum is a clue that parathyroid hormone is in excess. Have your doctor check these levels.
Increase Vitamin D
Vitamin D increases calcium absorption and blood levels of vitamin D are directly related to the strength of bone density. Research indicates 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D supplementation depending on sunlight exposure and dietary intake.
Tammi Jacobs, Health and Wellness Expert
The type of exercise that builds bone density is weight bearing exercise. So that is the one benefit of being fat-- that you carry around more weight. But if you are thin, like me, you can carry groceries, children or lift weights to help make your bones more dense.
ReplyDeleteOsteoporosis is one of the problems of adult women. They should always have proper nutrition to reduce the effects of this disorder. Take the necessary vitamins; Buy Vega to maintain your diet.
ReplyDeleteI believe stress is the root cause of all disease. All the smart things mentioned in this article will not only help prevent osteoporosis but will help reduce stress and the odds of getting many other maladies.
ReplyDeleteExercise is number one in my book for overall health.